Introduction - selection process
Installation guidelines
The information provided is intended as a basic guide only. It's your responsibility to understand your specific project needs fully. Installing products comes with safety risks; these are your full responsibility; please inform yourself and adhere to all site and state safety requirements while working on any site or project.
The key to installing a window tape properly is in preparation. One safety aspect is ensuring windows are closed and your working area is clear before commencing . The window reveals heads and sill; all need to be cleaned down. All dust and debris must be removed. If untidy or too long, window ties must be rectified and tidied up; never remove or shorten a window tie unless your window installer approves it. Check the quality of any foam that has been applied between the window and the wall; any wedges or guides used during the installation process that infringe may need to be removed or trimmed; however, this should only be done if approved by the window installer, they should not be removed if they form part of the final fixing/support integrity of the window installation, fully foam any voids around the window before taping. We strongly recommend using a good brush or vacuum to clean down all dusty or porous such as clockwork. All substrates being bonded back to need to be dust, grease and moisture free. We strongly recommend priming the dusty or porous substrates with our Uni spray Primer before applying the tapes. If you decide to prime, please protect your frame from overspray. Allow the primer to dry. Before applying the tape to the frame, remove any protective film that may still be on the window. Keep the tape on the frame in line with where it will be covered or plastered in. If overlaps are required, we recommend an overlap of 100mm. Follow the below application guideline and watch one or two of our videos. Please use a presser to press the tape into place firmly. If you later discover that the tape is too far out on the frame, you can remove it by gently heating it with a hairdryer and using a gentle solvent to remove any residue. Never use harsh cleaners or solvents on your frame. At certain times of the year, the window frame may need to be wiped down to remove dew or moisture; in any case, it's good practice to wipe the frame down to remove any dust etc., before applying the products. Always get approval from your window installer before trimming or removing any wedges or ties, as they may form part of the integrity of the window installation.