Your complete building envelope partner
- Airtight tapes for around windows - Airtight Tapes for around windows and doors - External Roofing membrane and internal airtight vapor control membrane - Airtight seal for around doors and windows inside and out
A few of our 1000+ Customers

A few of the 10000+ projects that we are proud to have supplied into.
We have a huge number of Schools, Universities, Multi-Use Buildings, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Residential Homes, Apartment Blocks and Eco Projects that we have advised on and supplied into. Our products are widely used on such projects and well-proven within the industry.

University of Hertfordshire

Montpellier House Sovereign Court London

Grosvenor Square London

Dunaskin Mill Glasgow

Grangegoman TU Dublin
A few of our 1000+ Customers

At Isocell Airstop, the external shell is the most crucial element of any structure. By building this right, you can achieve an energy-efficient, comfortable, and durable build. What's the point in bolting on renewables when the structure is not designed to maximize their benefits? Pound for pound, you will get a better return for your money by ensuring proper insulation, airtightness, and cold-bridge elimination. By building right and tight, you can offer your clients a better-built home and take advantage of the benefits of airtightness regarding your energy ratings.
On Isocell Airstop, you will find all the membranes you need, from roofing membranes to facade membranes to internal airtight vapour control membranes, along with all the Airtight and window tapes for around doors and windows inside and out. Membrane tapes for internal and external applications, adhesives, sprayable and brushable sealants, primers, pipe grommets, cellulose insulation, and machinery are everything you need for a well-insulated water-tight air-sealed house.
Isocell Airstop is not just a product. It's the solution.